SCM music player manĝaĵo amanto: 2013

Thursday, 31 October 2013



Monday, 28 October 2013

大阪燒 (三人份)

由於我沒有柴魚片的關係,所以我的大阪燒就只放了醬在上面,但又唔知應該係有料個邊定係冇料個邊,最終放了在冇料個邊,顯得有點怪,不過味道可是不錯的 :) 當然如果有柴魚片就更好了

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

甜煎蛋卷 (四人分量)

煎蛋捲聽起來很容易,可是要做得好,做得漂亮就很講究。這次我做的用了兩隻雞蛋,所以不夠厚,賣相也差一點,可是卻學會了幾個Tips 去幫你們做出漂漂亮亮的蛋捲 :)

Friday, 27 September 2013


I was watching "The Great British Bake off" on the other day, and I saw the bakers was using shortbread as a base for their dessert, so I look up online for the recipes and I realize how easy to make them. 

There's only half a plate left when I realize I have forgotten to take a picture :P Some people told me more sugar needed, and some said they prefer the shortbread be a little bit more moisturize. The amount of sugar provided in this recipe is only a preference, you could add more of less base on your own personal interest :)